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Improving Staff Terms of Service Dominates Judiciary Act Discussions
Hon. Justice Kiryabwire JA, chairperson of the Terms and Reference Committee

The Terms and Reference Committee on Thursday (August 6, 2020) held a follow-up meeting at the Judiciary headquarters in Kampala on the operationalization of the Administration of Judiciary Act.

Key issues that were discussed related to Judiciary service, staff remuneration,retirement benefits and the Judiciary Fund as provided for under the Judiciary Act.

The Committee resolved that regulations should cover other staff remunerations,retirement benefits and other terms of service. Although the Act elaborates retirement benefits of judicial officers, it is silent about other staff of the Judiciary.

The meeting agreed to benchmark other Government organs such as Parliament and the Auditor General's office to establish fair considerations for input when making regulations which to ensure that administrative staff are equal beneficiaries of the Act.

The Committee said it was important for all staff to be well remunerated, with guaranteed retirement benefits and room for career growth where promotions can be anticipated. This, they say, will contribute to curbing corruption, increase retention of skilled professionals in the Judiciary and ultimately improve service delivery.

The Committee will conduct case studies in countries with already established Judiciary services such as Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia. This will help in guiding on matters relating to the general transition to Judiciary Service Commission and management of the Judiciary Fund.

The Act provides under sections 33 to 35 that; "There shall be a Judiciary Fund whose source of finances would be from money appropriated by Parliament to the Judiciary, grants and donations, and all the money received by the Judiciary in the exercise of its function. This means that all the non-tax revenue collected will belong to the Judiciary fund.

Minutes of this meeting will inform a paper of recommendations to the Chief Justice on the way forward in regards to fast tracking the actualization of the purpose and provisions of the Administration of Judiciary Act.

Court of Appeal's Hon. Justice Geoffrey Kiryabwire chairs the Committee.

Posted 6th, August 2020
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